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Archive for August, 2020
August 31st, 2020 at 08:30 pm
For the month of August, I spent a total of $176.92 for groceries. My goal for the grocery challenge was to spend $20 less than I did in July. My total for July was $198.21. I came in $21.31 under! The challenge really helped me to focus on what I was buying, stick to my list, and to not make impulse purchases.
I know I will be spending more in September. I want to stock my freezer with some meat, and frozen veggies and fruit. And I need to restock some things in my pantry.
I received an energy usage report in the mail from my utility company. So far this year I have used 12 percent less energy than last year. I am happily surprised by this because I thought that since I retired and have been home a lot more, I would be using more energy. It was also a really hot and humid summer here in Maryland, one of the hottest on record. I try and limit my dryer usage, keep the thermostat set at 78 degrees, turn off lights and keep things unplugged when I’m not using them. I guess these measures made the difference.
I’m doing well with sticking to my new budget since I retired. Leading up to retirement I was so focused on saving that it’s been a bit difficult to give myself permission to spend a little. I will never be a be a big spender, it’s just not in my nature, but if I see something that I want (not necessarily need) and there is room in the monthly budget I’m going to loosen those purse strings and treat myself here and there.
The weather the last 2 days was glorious! It was cooler and less humid, and I could really feel the difference in my energy level when I went out for my walks. Today it is overcast and drizzly but still less humid. I love cooler weather!
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August 30th, 2020 at 03:55 pm
Income Total: $1637.00
* $1500 Recurring monthly retirement account distribution
* $100 Swagbucks earnings (cash out to PayPal)
* $25 My Points (cash out to PayPal)
* $7 Amazon gift card (earned through Swagbucks)
* $5 CVS gift card (earned through Fetch)
Total Spending: $1421.23
Total Savings: $215.77 (difference between monthly income and monthly spending)
Fixed Expenses:
Verizon bundle (internet, cable, home phone): $160.25
Cell phone: $59.90
HVAC and water heater contract: $27.95
Condo Fee (includes water) $190.00
Health Care: (includes health, dental, vision, prescription plans) $450.90
Utilities: $116.05
Gasoline: 0
Groceries: $176.92
Health: $20.73 (co-pays, scripts refills, vitamins and personal health care items)
Take Out food: $38.70 (Includes a birthday lunch for my brother)
Shopping (on-line): $54.84
McAfee yearly subscription $69.99
Charitable Donation: $60.00
* Condo is paid in full
* Car is paid in full (2017 Camry)
* No other debt
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August 22nd, 2020 at 10:56 pm
For the week of 8/16 - 8/23 I spent $34.99 I needed fresh produce mostly, as well as bread and a few other things. I’m posting a day early as I know I won’t be shopping again until next week.
Recap so far:
Week 1: $102.97 (stock up)
Week 2: $ 0
Week 3: $34.99
Total so far is $137.96 which leaves me $40.25 for the rest of the month to make my goal of spending $20 less for groceries then I spent in July.
The past week was quiet, but the weather was beautiful! We actually had a few great days in a row with lower heat and humidity, and I was able to get outside to walk. It felt rejuvenating to soak up some sun and get some fresh air. My best friend and I went for a drive to a state park with beautiful surroundings and spent a few hours walking and talking. Since we went during the week there were only a few other people around and it was easy to stay socially distant. Then we stopped for some take out lunch. It felt like a little piece of normal.
I somehow managed to strain my back pretty good so I’ve been hobbling around the past couple of days and using a heating pad. It's been hard to get comfortable to sleep so I’m really tired too. It does feel a bit better today though so I’m hoping for a decent night's sleep tonight and less pain tomorrow!
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August 15th, 2020 at 03:08 pm
For the week of 8/8 -8/15 I spent $0.00!! Yay! Last week I did a large stock up, so I really didn’t need anything else so far. My goal for August was to spend $20 less for groceries then I did in July. My July total was $198.21, so I have $75.24 left for the month of August to make my goal. I will need to go this week sometime for a few things I am running low on, like fresh produce and bread.
I’ve been really focused on zero food waste. I think that volunteering at the food distribution center for a while now has really opened my eyes to just how badly people are hurting. Our food distribution process is much like what you see on TV. People line up in their cars and when they pull up, we place the food and supplies in their trunk, and they are on their way. There is often a line before we even open, and we usually run out of food before we run out of people who need it. There is a church right down the street who helps people who are walk-ins because they do not have cars.
Out of curiosity, I watched some You Tube videos on people who dumpster dive for food. It is astounding how much food that grocery stores throw away. Food that is not even close to being expired or recalled. Just tossed for no apparent reason. Why isn’t this food donated? We seem to be such a throwaway society.
In other updates, my brother’s birthday was last week so I treated him to some delicious take out. We also had a very small family celebration with cake and gifts. It was a nice day, and I’m grateful for it.
My sister, who lives in Texas (I’m in Maryland) had some bad news regarding her husband. He has been battling cancer, and his last test results were not encouraging. I wish I could go and visit but because of the virus it’s just not possible right now.
Not too much else going on, the weather here in Maryland continues to be very hot and humid with thunderstorms that roll through every few days. I’m really ready for fall and cooler weather.
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August 6th, 2020 at 06:06 pm
For the week of 8/1 -8/7 I spent $102.97. I’m posting a day early as I know I won’t be shopping tomorrow. This was a big stock up shop as I was out of almost everything. My goal for August was to spend $20 less for groceries then I did in July. My July total was $198.21, so I have $75.24 left for the month of August. This doesn’t seem like a lot, but I think it's doable. I don’t anticipate needing anything at all next week. This is just for groceries, no pet supplies, cleaning supplies or personal care items. It also does not include any take-out food.
I usually shop at Aldi’s, but I wasn’t feeling well on grocery shopping day and when I drove to the Aldi the parking lot was packed and I just wasn’t up to a big crowd in the store. I drove back over to the grocery store right down the street from where I live and got everything there. They are a bit more expensive, but they usually have everything I need, and the store never seems too crowded and it’s very clean. So, my bill was probably a bit higher than if I had gone to Aldi.
Before I shopped, I carefully went through my pantry, fridge and freezer to see what I already had. Then I did some meal planning and made my list. I checked the store circulars for sales on things I needed. I was well prepared! I find that careful planning is really key for me to keep to my grocery budget.
I did get another good deal on eggs at .99 a dozen. I was surprised that almost everything I bought was at the same price as the last time I shopped, so I didn’t notice much, if any, of a price increase on my usual staples.
Breakfasts for me are usually an egg or two, a piece of toast with butter, and coffee with cream. I might make French toast occasionally or have oatmeal and fruit. Lunch is mostly either chicken salad or tuna salad. Sometimes I’ll have some soup or a grilled cheese. Dinners are usually a protein and veggies. I eat a lot of simple stir fry’s. I might have pasta with meat sauce once in a while. For snacks I keep apples, other fruits, nuts, and air popped popcorn. I don’t buy other types of chips or crackers because I have no will power if I have them in the house!
I will post the week two grocery challenge thread on 8/14. Please join in and post your grocery totals and goals if you want!
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August 1st, 2020 at 03:21 pm
Income Total: $1650.00
* $1500 Recurring monthly retirement account distribution
* $125 Swagbucks earnings (cash out to PayPal)
* $25 My Points (cash out to PayPal)
Total Spending: $1452.93
Total Savings: $197.07 (difference between monthly income and monthly spending)
Fixed Expenses:
Verizon bundle (internet, cable, home phone): $160.25
Cell phone: $61.67
HVAC and water heater contract: $27.95
Condo Fee (includes water) $190.00
Health Care: (includes health, dental, vision, prescription plans) $450.90
Utilities: $91.25
Gasoline: 0
Groceries: $198.21
Health: $15 (co-pays, scripts refills, vitamins and personal health care items)
Take Out food: 31.70
Shopping (on-line): 0
Hair $140.00 (color, cut, style and tip)
AARP yearly subscription: $16 (once a year expense)
Dryer vent clean out: $70.00 (required by the HOA, once every 2 years)
Note: I paid my yearly property taxes: $3194.34 I do not count this in monthly expenses as I pay this once a year from a separate savings account specifically for taxes and insurance expenses.
* Condo is paid in full
* Car is paid in full (2017 Camry)
* No other debt
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