Mid Month Check In
January 17th, 2021 at 03:13 pmEverything seems to be on track financially so far. My total spending for January is at $770.54. Most of my usual bills have been paid already except for health insurance. I received a notice from the college that they are no longer able to automatically process my monthly payment to my credit card, so now I will either have to mail a check or money order, or call in to make the payment on my card. I like using my credit card because I earn cash back on it, so that is the way I will go. It is a minor inconvenience, but just one more thing I have to remember to do monthly.
My grocery spending is at $157.77. One of my goals for 2021 is to keep my monthly grocery spending at $200 per month, so I have $42.23 left. I am well stocked up and have a loose meal plan for the rest of the month. I expect to only need to purchase some fresh produce next week so I should come in under goal.
I am having a great earnings month from Swagbucks and My Points so far, cashing out for $225 to date. I expect to cash out one more time in January so that will go up. The first few months of a new year are usually really slow for these types of earnings sites, so I am really happy with this.
I continue to volunteer at the food distribution center once a week. The situation is dire. We have been running out of food before we can help everyone in line. We open up at 11 a.m. and people have been lining up in their cars as early as 9 a.m. We did find another large source for food donations so I am hopeful we will have more to distribute soon.
I am patiently waiting for my turn to recieve the vaccine. Our Governor updates us quite frequently on where things stand so I am hopeful that I will be eligible sometime next month. Until then, I am continuing to practice the same safety measures that have kept me healthy for almost a year now. Can you believe it's been that long?
I have been more diligent with walking every day, weather permitting. I slacked off a bit and the scale is showing it. The weather here has been pretty mild so I am taking advantage of it. I am hopeful that by summer when the heat really kicks in I can get back to my mall walking group. We are all eager to get back to it!
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy!