April 18th, 2021 at 05:34 pm
I woke up earlier then usual this morning and decided to have my coffee out on my balcony. It was just a bit chilly, but a beautiful morning! It was very still and quiet with only the sound of an occasional bird song. I thoroughly enjoyed the calm and peacefulness. What a wonderful way to start the day, a true simple pleasure.
My plan for today was to get started on some spring deep cleaning so I decided to start on my master bedroom. I tackled cleaning the ceiling fan first, not an easy task since I have very high, vaulted ceilings. I stood on a three step ladder and used my Swiffer with the extended pole, and was able to clean the blades really well. Oh my the dust! I really need to do this more often. Then I tackled my bed, stripping everything off and washing everything. When I bought this condo I was really happy that it came equipped with a side by side, full size washer and dryer in my unit. It can accomadate oversized loads so I washed and dried the mattress pad, bed skirt, blanket, sheets etc. I switched out my down blanket for a lighter blanket and bedspread for spring and summer use. Since my bed frame is on wheels and I don't have a headboard, it is easy to pull the bed away from the wall and dust and vacuum behind it. I also turned the mattress, and gave it a good spray with Febreeze fabric freshener. After a break for lunch I will start taking down the curtains and cleaning the windowsill, and window. That may be enough for today, but I will keep going if I get a second wind! If not, tomorrow is another day.
Not much new on the financial front, still waiting for my federal refund, I fear it may be a while. My monthly spending looks good so far. I did have to pay $135 for my car registration renewal, and my CPA cashed the check for her tax prep fee of $110. Grocery spending is looking good this month after going way over last month. More in line with my goal of staying at $200 for the month.
My brother may be doing some grilling for dinner, if so I will be heading over for burgers out on the patio later.
I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, and have a great week!
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April 11th, 2021 at 07:26 pm
Last Friday I received my second Moderna vaccine. I had some mild side effects for a couple of days but am feeling mostly back to normal today. I am so thankful to be fully vaccinated. Most of my family and close friends are either fully vaccinated or have their second one scheduled. We are looking forward to some get togethers very soon! My sister and BIL will definately be coming for a visit this summer and I cannot wait. I miss my sister so much.
I still have not received my federal tax refund. The status still says it was recieved and is being processed. It was e-filed early March. I know they are backed up, but I think if I owed them money and didn't pay it promptly I would be fined and charged interest. 
I am loving my new treadmill! I have been walking on it almost every day and I try to go a little longer each time. Now I have no excuses not to get my daily steps in. It's nice to not be hindered by bad weather outside.
The lines at the food bank where I volunteer are still long. I think it's going to take quite a while for many people to get back on their feet.
I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!
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April 1st, 2021 at 01:04 pm
* $1500 Recurring monthly retirement account distribution
* $200 Swagbucks and My Points earnings (cash out to PayPal)
* $1064 Stimulus
* $516 State Tax Refund
Total Savings: $1124.46 (difference between monthly income and monthly spending)
Fixed Expenses:
Verizon bundle (internet, cable, home phone): $174.51
Cell phone: $60.03
HVAC and water heater contract: $29.95
Condo Fee (includes water) $190.00
Health Care: (includes health, dental, vision, prescription plans) $476.37
Utilities: $106.49
Gasoline: $0
Groceries: $280.78 (I spent too much, no real reason why this is high)
Health: $82.02 (co-pays, scripts refills, vitamins and personal health care items)
Take Out food: $0
Shopping (on-line): $539.70 (treadmill, other)
Priority Mail Charge: $12.85
AAA yearly renewal: $75.00
Haircut, style and tip: $60.00
Ulta, Make-up stock up $67.84
* Condo is paid in full
* Car is paid in full (2017 Camry)
* No other debt
Notes: Spending was up (mostly the treadmill purchase) but income was also up. I did not receive the full $1400 stimulus as they used my 2019 tax return earnings. They have still not processed my 2020 return even though it was electronically sent the beginning of March.
I totally blew my grocery budget. I try to stay at or around $200.
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