Home > August Grocery Challenge Wrap Up

August Grocery Challenge Wrap Up

August 31st, 2020 at 07:30 pm

For the month of August, I spent a total of $176.92 for groceries. My goal for the grocery challenge was to spend $20 less than I did in July. My total for July was $198.21. I came in $21.31 under! The challenge really helped me to focus on what I was buying, stick to my list, and to not make impulse purchases.

I know I will be spending more in September. I want to stock my freezer with some meat, and frozen veggies and fruit. And I need to restock some things in my pantry.

I received an energy usage report in the mail from my utility company. So far this year I have used 12 percent less energy than last year. I am happily surprised by this because I thought that since I retired and have been home a lot more, I would be using more energy. It was also a really hot and humid summer here in Maryland, one of the hottest on record. I try and limit my dryer usage, keep the thermostat set at 78 degrees, turn off lights and keep things unplugged when I’m not using them. I guess these measures made the difference.

I’m doing well with sticking to my new budget since I retired. Leading up to retirement I was so focused on saving that it’s been a bit difficult to give myself permission to spend a little. I will never be a be a big spender, it’s just not in my nature, but if I see something that I want (not necessarily need) and there is room in the monthly budget I’m going to loosen those purse strings and treat myself here and there.

The weather the last 2 days was glorious! It was cooler and less humid, and I could really feel the difference in my energy level when I went out for my walks. Today it is overcast and drizzly but still less humid. I love cooler weather!

3 Responses to “August Grocery Challenge Wrap Up”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Good job on the grocery challenge!

    Like you, I thought I would be spending more on utilities once I retired, but being careful has really helped. I tend to spend less on other things too. I still buy clothes, but not as many, and fewer dressy work type things. It's easier to fix lunch at home than to figure out something to pack.

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Sounds like you did great.

  3. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Nice work on the grocery savings and good to hear your utility bills came in lower than normal!

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