For the month of August, I spent a total of $176.92 for groceries. My goal for the grocery challenge was to spend $20 less than I did in July. My total for July was $198.21. I came in $21.31 under! The challenge really helped me to focus on what I was buying, stick to my list, and to not make impulse purchases.
I know I will be spending more in September. I want to stock my freezer with some meat, and frozen veggies and fruit. And I need to restock some things in my pantry.
I received an energy usage report in the mail from my utility company. So far this year I have used 12 percent less energy than last year. I am happily surprised by this because I thought that since I retired and have been home a lot more, I would be using more energy. It was also a really hot and humid summer here in Maryland, one of the hottest on record. I try and limit my dryer usage, keep the thermostat set at 78 degrees, turn off lights and keep things unplugged when I’m not using them. I guess these measures made the difference.
I’m doing well with sticking to my new budget since I retired. Leading up to retirement I was so focused on saving that it’s been a bit difficult to give myself permission to spend a little. I will never be a be a big spender, it’s just not in my nature, but if I see something that I want (not necessarily need) and there is room in the monthly budget I’m going to loosen those purse strings and treat myself here and there.
The weather the last 2 days was glorious! It was cooler and less humid, and I could really feel the difference in my energy level when I went out for my walks. Today it is overcast and drizzly but still less humid. I love cooler weather!
August Grocery Challenge Wrap Up
August 31st, 2020 at 07:30 pm
August 31st, 2020 at 07:47 pm 1598903260
Like you, I thought I would be spending more on utilities once I retired, but being careful has really helped. I tend to spend less on other things too. I still buy clothes, but not as many, and fewer dressy work type things. It's easier to fix lunch at home than to figure out something to pack.
September 1st, 2020 at 12:31 am 1598920273
September 2nd, 2020 at 09:22 pm 1599081745