Home > July 2023 Spending

July 2023 Spending

July 31st, 2023 at 07:44 pm

I spent just a pinch over my $125 grocery budget. An overall very low spend month.


Income Total$1158.76

      $1000 Recurring monthly retirement account distribution  

      $100 Swagbucks and My Points earnings (cash out to PayPal)

      $58.76 Income tax refund money


Total Spending: $1158.76

Fixed Expenses: 
Verizon (cable): $104.72

Verizon Mobile: $76.44

HVAC and water heater contract: $29.95
Condo Fee $190.00 

Health Care: (includes health, dental, vision, prescription plans) $479.50

* My internet bill is now covered through the ACP program
Utilities: $116.44
Gasoline: $35.57
Groceries: $126.14
Health: $0 (Doctor visit co-pays and scripts)

Shopping: $0

Take-Out: $0


* Condo is paid in full 
* Car is paid in full (2017 Camry) 
* No other debt

5 Responses to “July 2023 Spending”

  1. Dido Says:

    $125 grocery budget? How on earth do you manage that? With an average 30 days in a month and assuming 3 meals a day, that's $1.39 a meal. Even a meal consisting of a peanut butter sandwich, glass of milk, and an apple is going to cost more unless you are getting the cheapest varieties.

  2. Wink Says:

    Dido: I only eat 2 full meals a day (breakfast and dinner). I have a snack around lunchtime. My typical day looks like this: Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs and a piece of toast with sugar free jam, or I may have oatmeal. A cup of coffee with creamer. Midday snack is a large red apple, a piece of string cheese, or some peanut butter with my apple. Dinner is usually a protein of some kind and a large serving of veggies. Sometimes I'll have a bowl of vegetable soup. I'm careful to meal plan, I use store digital coupons, paper coupons, store card discounts. I shop sales. It's not that hard, and I feel that I eat pretty healthy. Not much processed food, or junk food, no soda etc. My weight is good and my blood work always comes back great. No diabetes or high cholesterol. CB in the City does it on $100 a month budget!

  3. Amber Says:

    I hope you don’t mind but what is ACP?
    Congratulations on the paid off condo

  4. Wink Says:

    Hi Amber: It's the Affordable Connectivity Program. It's a federal (and state) program that covers the cost of your internet if you meet the income eligibility requirements. Just Google ACP program and you'll see many links that describe it in detail.

  5. Dido Says:

    Thanks for the details, Wink.

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