Home > June 2023 Spending

June 2023 Spending

June 30th, 2023 at 10:14 pm

This was an ugly month. My income was down due to earning next to nothing from Swagbucks and My Points. I just didn't have the energy earlier in the month. Since I am feeling better I'll be focusing back on this again for July. I decreased my monthly withdrawl from my retirement account to $1000 a month (down from $1200). I need to stretch this account out for as long as possible. I will be using my tax refund money to make up any difference every month between my income and expenses. I'm trying not to dip into my savings (emergency fund) for regular monthly expenses.

My grocery spending was really high, but it included food for my sister too. She was still here helping me for part of June. Take out was also high, it was just convenient when I wasn't really able to cook and my sister just didn't want to! My health expenses were also up a bit as I had a few co-pays for doctor's visits. Next month should look better.

Income Total$1317.14

      $1000 Recurring monthly retirement account distribution  

      $25 Swagbucks and My Points earnings (cash out to PayPal)

      $292.14 Income tax refund money


Total Spending: $1317.14

Fixed Expenses: 
Verizon (cable): $104.72

Verizon Mobile: $76.44

HVAC and water heater contract: $29.95
Condo Fee $190.00 

Health Care: (includes health, dental, vision, prescription plans) $479.50

* My internet bill is now covered through the ACP program
Utilities: $98.99
Gasoline: $0
Groceries: $233.00
Health: $58.87 (Doctor visit co-pays and scripts)

Shopping: $0

Take-Out: $45.67


* Condo is paid in full 
* Car is paid in full (2017 Camry) 
* No other debt

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