Home > January 2023 Spending/Saving

January 2023 Spending/Saving

January 31st, 2023 at 10:37 pm

Income Total$1400.00

      $1200 Recurring monthly retirement account distribution  

      $200 Swagbucks and My Points earnings (cash out to PayPal)


Total Spending: $1378.63

Total Saving: $21.37

Fixed Expenses: 
Verizon bundle (internet, cable): $167.43

Verizon Mobile: $60.26 (includes a refund from last month)

HVAC and water heater contract: $29.95
Condo Fee (includes water) $190.00 

Health Care: (includes health, dental, vision, prescription plans) $479.50 
Utilities: $152.55
Gasoline: $37.16
Groceries: $105.91
Health: $0

CVS Gift Cards: $75.00 (use these for scripts, personal care items, any CVS purchases)
Take Out/Dining Out: $28.58

Shopping: $0

Household: $9.20

Entertainment: $23.09

Cash Withdraw: $20.00


* Condo is paid in full 
* Car is paid in full (2017 Camry) 
* No other debt


Notes: I went over my target $100 for groceries by a few dollars, but I stocked up on frozen veggies and bread. My grocery store had my favorite frozen veggies on sale for $1 a bag with a limit of 10, so I bought 10 (these are usually $1.50 a bag so good savings), and Aldi had whole wheat bread (store brand) on sale for $1.09 so I bought 2 and froze them. 


My mobile phone bill is a bit lower this month because i was charged for an add-on I didn't want and there was a refund. Next month's bill will reflect the accurate amount going forward.


I'm happy I was able to sweep even just a little bit toward savings. 

1 Responses to “January 2023 Spending/Saving”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    It's always nice to put a little in savings.

    Good deal on the stock ups of veggies and bread!

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