I totally blew my $100 grocery budget this month! I haven’t tallied it all up yet, I will post the actual numbers in my month end spending post. But at least the overage was due to stocking up on some things that were on sale. I was almost out of the coffee pods that I use so I bought several bags. I won’t need these again for many months. Aldi had an excellent sale on butter. It was advertised at $2.49 a box with a limit of 6 per person. When I got home, I noticed that it actually rang up at only $1.99 per box (1 lb. boxes)! I froze most of it, and this will last me quite a while even with holiday baking coming up. I also bought another half-gallon of my coffee creamer while it was still on sale for $5.99 (a dollar off). So, I’m OK with the overage since it wasn’t frivolous spending.
Thanksgiving went really well. My brother always hosts it, but I wasn’t sure if he would be up to it this year with his wife just passing away in September. My niece decided that she really wanted to keep the tradition going, so she decided to do most of the cooking and have us all over. I am very close to my niece and offered to come over and help her if she wanted. At first, she declined, I think she wanted to do it all on her own, but a few days before she called and asked if I would assist. I think she was a little nervous, she is a good cook but never pulled together a big traditional Thanksgiving dinner for 8 people before. She did an outstanding job, and everything was delicious! We had a wonderful time. I hope everyone here enjoyed your holiday as well!
I’m almost totally done with my Christmas shopping! I got everything on-line and did snag some great deals. I’m well within my Christmas budget so far. I also started my Christmas decorating today and am making swift progress. I’m feeling ahead of schedule this year.
Tomorrow, I’m having my usual people over for Sunday football watching. I’m making sloppy joes and buying some premade potato and macaroni salad. We have a leftover apple pie from Thanksgiving for dessert. Keeping it simple!
After a cold snap last week, it has warmed back up a bit, with rain expected tomorrow. I’m just happy the heat hasn't been kicking on as much this week.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
November 27th, 2022 at 10:08 pm 1669586883