Home > October Mid-Month Update

October Mid-Month Update

October 15th, 2022 at 01:46 pm

My spending so far this month is at $1252 which is right on track. All of my regular monthly bills have been paid except for one small one, so the only other spending should be on groceries.

My grocery spend so far has been pretty low, at $36.22. I continue to focus on zero food waste, and using up what I have on hand. I did a freezer sweep and found some things I need to use up. I have a four pack of pork chops which I will use to make some BBQ pulled pork in the crock pot. I have about 2 servings of fish sticks, 2-3 servings of chili, and 3 hamburger patties. I will pair these with mixed veggies for dinners this week. I'll also be making a pan of cheesy corn grits. These are like corn bread but with sharp cheese added in. Great with the chili! 

My Verizon cable and internet bill is increasing by $7 a month. I will call on Monday to see if there is a less expensive cable (TV) plan, but I don't plan on cancelling this. I'm happy with it, and get all of my sports viewing, which is a big part of my social entertaining. My internet works great with no interuptions or problems. 

I have been researching new phones and plans and will be going to Target this week to look at Consumer Cellular and to an AT&T store. Thanks everyone for the recommendations!

My sister and BIL left this morning to head home to Texas.

The weather here in Maryland today will be in the low 70's and sunny. But it will turn much colder this upcoming week with highs only in the upper 50's!

Have a great weekend everyone!

4 Responses to “October Mid-Month Update”

  1. jp Says:

    You were the one that was having problems with Mint mobile, right? have you called them? My phone was having issues when i first started with them (calls going straight to voicemail...then voicemail notices come days later...texts not coming or going consistently). They walked me through several settings to change on my phone, and rebooted something from their end, and it fixed everything (I think i had to do 2 iterations of adjusting settings with them to get it...but no issues since) Just might be something to try first. They are definitely SO cheap!

  2. Wink Says:

    @jp: Yes, that is me. I am having all of those same issues you listed. I did call them early on and the only suggestion they gave me was to reboot my phone, which didn't work. I will call them again. Thank You!

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Good deal on the zero food waste! That's my goal as well. Not always a success, but figure better than not trying at all. Glad you are on track as far as your budget.

    One of the first things every frugal site or blog states is cancel cable. I understand that it is an expense and probably a little of a luxury, but my husband loves sports and shows and TV viewing in general. He doesn't party, smoke, or drink, so I figure cable is something that gives him intense joy and I can't see cutting it out.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Wink--I've had really good luck with Ting if Mint doesn't pan out, if it is available in your area.

    Rob--I think people say to cancel cable when you are desperate to pay off debt or sorely need money to get by, not when you are doing okay. We canceled cable when we were in that position and kept netflix because it was $12 and that was our only entertainment besides library books. That was back when it was discs only, no streaming yet, still dial-up internet. Now we have netflix and hulu without ads and prime and then the free channels with commercials and it's a lot less than cable, but we don't watch sports. Although hulu does have an add on sports package, it may not have all you want. But if you can afford cable and want cable, then have cable and enjoy it. If you can't put food on the table, than cable needs to go. We've thought about it from time to time, getting cable just for the cooking shows, but enough of those show up here or there so we always decide not to.

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