Home > Birthday Weekend!

Birthday Weekend!

October 29th, 2021 at 01:51 pm

This is my birthday weekend! On Saturday I will be going out to dinner to my favorite seafood restaurant with my brother and family, then back to thier house for cake and ice cream. On Sunday, my best friend is taking me to lunch, then we will hang out for the day. 

Today (Friday) we are getting hit with a high wind and rain storm. Public schools in a lot of the state actually cancelled classes today because of flooding concerns. I hope to not lose power. 

I did a freezer and pantry sweep and will be eating up a bunch of leftover things for the rest of the month. I have a single hamburger pattie that I will pair with some carrots, a serving of mini meatballs and gravy, and will add a side of greenbeans. I have 3 breaded chicken patties and will fix some instant mashed potatoes and corn. Two servings of vegetable soup that I froze, I will probably have these for lunch. I have plenty of eggs, cereal and oatmeal for breakfasts. Lunches can be tuna or chicken salad, or PB&J. The next senior center food distribution is on Wednesday so I won't  need to do much grocery shopping, usually just fresh produce. 

I started my Christmas shopping and hope to have everthing done in a few weeks. We are keeping the spending low, everyone agrees to keep it simple this year.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


6 Responses to “Birthday Weekend!”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great weekend is planned!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Happy Birthday.

  3. Carol Says:

    Happy Birthday 🎂!

  4. Turtle Lover Says:

    happy birthday and birthday weekend!!

  5. Dido Says:

    Happy birthday! Have a great time!

  6. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Happy birthday! Wishing you much enjoyment with your family and friends!!

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