Home > September 2021 Spending/Saving

September 2021 Spending/Saving

October 1st, 2021 at 03:12 pm

Income Total$1700.00

     * $1500 Recurring monthly retirement account distribution  

     * $200 Swagbucks and My Points earnings (cash out to PayPal


Total Spending: $1475.14

Total Savings$224.86 (difference between monthly income and monthly spending) 
Fixed Expenses: 
Verizon bundle (internet, cable, home phone): $174.51

Cell phone: $59.97
HVAC and water heater contract: $29.95 
Condo Fee (includes water) $190.00 

Health Care: (includes health, dental, vision, prescription plans) $476.37 
Utilities: $97.70
Gasoline: $39.84
Groceries: $105.58
Health: $61.82 (co-pays, scripts refillsvitamins and personal health care items) 
Take Out and Dining Out: $49.11 (most was birthday dinner for bff)

Shopping and Other Spending $63.10 (birthday giftcard for bff, wireless mouse, phone charger)

McAfee yearly renewal: $127.19 (multiple devices)


* Condo is paid in full 
* Car is paid in full (2017 Camry) 
* No other debt  


Notes: Starting in October my recurring monthly retirement account distribution decreases from $1500 to $1200. The dental expenses (ongoing) will be paid from my emergency fund, so I do not count it against my monthy spending. Likewise, I have a seperate savings account specifically for paying yearly property taxes, car insurance and condo insurance. Prior to retiring I funded this account for at least 10 years of payments. I do not count these expenditures in my monthly spending. Thanks to the monthly food giveway from the senior center, my grocery spending was a lot lower, and I expect it to be even lower in October. 

4 Responses to “September 2021 Spending/Saving”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    That is simply amazing at how well you can live on so little amazing. Why don't you coulnd the property taxes, car insurance, condo insurance even if you have 10 years of savings padded? Wouldn't it just count as income and expenses? Is it a lot monthly?

  2. Wink Says:

    LAL: I can't cashflow those 3 expenses monthly from my income. It would add on about $425 a month. Since I pay my property taxes, car and condo insurance once a year as a lump sum, I just pay them from that specific savings account. It's just an easier way for me to pay and account for those expenses.

  3. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Why not count it as a monthly expense and monthly income from the account?

  4. Wink Says:

    LAL: I could do it that way, but my Monthly Sending/Savings summary is intended to be just a monthly snapshot of what I am spending from my income for that month only. Just a personal accounting methodology preference.

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