Home > $$Great Deals$$

$$Great Deals$$

August 29th, 2021 at 10:18 pm

I went to CVS early this morning for some itemsHere is what I purchased: 


2 Colgate toothpastes (these were 2 for $7.98, but CVS sent everyone a digital coupon for $7.98 off 2 to your CVS card, so these were free) 

1 pack of 4 Charmin TP (mega rolls) (on sale for $4.99) 

1 small bottle of Palmolive dish soap (on sale for .99 cents) 

7 cans of Bumble Bee Solid White Albacore tuna (on sale for .99 cents a can) 

5 boxes of Special K Cereal (on sale for $1.99 a box) 


After using coupons and CVS Extra Care bucks earned on previous purchases, and my $10 CarePass Bucks for the month, I paid zero out of pocket! The only thing I had to pay was tax of .54 cents. The Trip Summary on the bottom of my receipt indicates that I saved $62.54 for a Savings Value of 100% 


I am well stocked now on personal care products and paper products, so I am focusing a little more on food items. With this purchase I am nicely stocked for breakfast and lunch for a few weeks. This really helps me to keep my grocery bills down as food prices keep rising.  


I received an interesting email from my senior center. It said that they will be doing a food give away this Wednesday for members of the center. They intend to do this once a month for the foreseeable future. This senior center was brand new and opened back in 2019 just a few months before Covid hit. Then it closed because of the virus. It reopened a few months ago before Delta, but I haven’t been visiting due to an increase in the positivity rate of lateI think I will take advantage of this though. Anything I receive that I won’t use I will donate back to the food pantry where I volunteer.  


Praying for everyone in Hurricane Ida’s path. We expect to have a lot of rain here from the remnants of the storm later this week.  

2 Responses to “$$Great Deals$$”

  1. Lots of ideas Says:

    Thanks for the CVS hints!

    I usually order online but the toothpaste deal is only in stores.
    I will check out that tomorrow, plus the detergent and the tuna fish!

    I love CVS...but I think I might bankrupt them...

  2. rob62521 Says:

    You sure do a brilliant job of getting those deals! Bravo!

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