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Mid Month Spending Update and $Deals$

August 15th, 2021 at 04:15 pm

I went to CVS this morning and got a pretty good deal on these items: 

2 Lady Speed Stick deodorants 

2 Colgate Max Fresh Toothpastes 


After using coupons and CVS Extra Bucks that I earned on a previous purchase I paid: 

$3.46 out of pocket (includes tax of .77 cents)  


My receipt says that I saved $13.87 for an 83% savings rate. Plus, I earned $5 in CVS extra bucks to use toward a future purchase. So, I technically earned more than I spent. These are products and brands that I routinely use. 


At mid-month my total spending so far is at $1106.68, with only my cell phone bill and any grocery spending left for the month. I do have an eye exam appointment tomorrow and there will be some cost for that but not sure how much yet.  


I had challenged myself to stay at or below $160.00 total spending on groceries this month and so far, I am at $72.42Right on track. I also already earned enough grocery club card points for another $5 off a $25 purchase coupon which I will use this coming week 


On the fun side, I went to my brother’s last night to celebrate his birthday. We had pizza and cake and he opened his gifts and cards. Then we had a great time watching our NFL team win its first preseason game!  


After an oppressively hot week with temperatures near 105 degrees with the heat index, it is finally much cooler today, and it is predicted to stay cooler for most of the upcoming week. I’ll take it! 

1 Responses to “Mid Month Spending Update and $Deals$”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    We are finally cooling down here too.

    Good deals at CVS. You are wise to take advantage of them.

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