Home > August Grocery Challenge and $Deals$

August Grocery Challenge and $Deals$

August 3rd, 2021 at 07:51 pm

I decided to do a grocery challenge for myself for the month of August. My goal is to stay below (or at) $160.00 for the month. Food only. 


On 7/31 I noticed that I had some grocery store club card points that were going to expire, so I ran over to the store and picked up a carton of 18 large eggs. These were priced at $2.49. After using my points, the cost was just .99 cents. I eat an egg every morning for breakfast, so I am set for a while. 


Total spent: .99 cents 

Total saved: $1.50 


On 8/3 I did my weekly grocery shop and spent $39.74. By using my club card and e-coupons I saved $7.50. I used a $5 coupon off any total over $25 that I earned from July’s points and $2.50 in e-coupons through the store’s app.  It really pays to just spend a few minutes here and there filling out the surveys at the bottom of the receipts to earn pointsand by clipping the app coupons before I go.  I also earned 50 Fetch points by scanning in my receipt. I am almost halfway toward earning another $10 CVS gift card through Fetch. For anyone interested, my main grocery store is Weis. I think this is a mainly east coast grocery chain.  


Total Spent: $39.74 

Total Saved: $7.50 


I also did a pretty good deal at CVS on 8/1.  

I bought: 

4 cans of Bumble Bee Solid White Albacore Tuna (on sale, 4 cans for $5)  

2 packs of Cottonelle TP (9 mega rolls per pack, 18 rolls total) 

3 pack of Kleenex tissues (each box has 144 tissues).  

I used a combination of coupons, CVS extra bucks earned on previous purchases and a $10 CVS gift card earned through Fetch. And, I earned a $5 extra buck to use on a future purchase.


Total out of pocket spent: $5.18 (includes tax) 

My trip summary at the bottom of my receipt says that I saved $35.88 or a 71% savings rate.


I don’t know if people are interested in these types of small savings posts. I am pretty low income these days and these types of small savings here and there really help me. Maybe they will help, or interest others too.  

4 Responses to “August Grocery Challenge and $Deals$”

  1. Turtle Lover Says:

    I think it's neat how you can do your savings like that. I used to clip coupons a lot but now the coupons aren't as good and where I live (SF bay area) there aren't that many stores that do thier own coupons. A lot are things like buy 4 boxes of cereal and get 50 cents off ... that kind of thing where it would take me several months to go through 4 boxes of cereal and I'd rather save my 50 cents than have to store it or go bad. Still, I do like your posts 😊

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Well, I like posts like that. Tiny amounts do add up. I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for small amounts.

  3. BobbySands Says:

    That's a impressive savings of money at CVS! Nice work.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Great deal on using those points! Plus, those are super deals with CVS.

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