Home > Mid Year 2021 Financial Goals Update

Mid Year 2021 Financial Goals Update

July 7th, 2021 at 07:39 pm

2021 Financial Goals  


These are the spending/income goals I set for myself for 2021: 

  2. 1. Groceries: Spend $2400 or less for the year. 

  1. 2. Shopping: Spend no more than $1000 for the year. 

  1. 3. Utilities: Stay under last year's spending total of $1011.45 

  1. 4. Income from Swagbucks and My Points: Earn more than last year’s total of $1825 


Here is where things are at mid-year: 

  2. 1. Groceries: So far, I have spent $1378.37, leaving me with $1021.63 left for the year. This averages to $170.27 a month left to spend to make my goal. I can do this, but I really need to watch it.  Rising food prices aren't helping!

  2. 2. Shopping: So far, I have spent $803.17, leaving me with just $196.83 for the rest of the year. The bulk of the spending was the treadmill that cost right around $540. Shopping is a big catch all category that includes clothes, gifts, household stuff, etc. I think I need to better define this category for next year. There really isn’t anything I can think of that I need to buy, so we will see how this goes, but I doubt I will accomplish this goal. 

  2. 3. Utilities: So far, I have spent $566.72, leaving $444.73 for the rest of the year. This averages out to $74.12 per month for the rest of the year. I definitely won’t make this goal. I was home a lot more due to Covid and retiring, and it has been so hot so far this summer and it is only early July.  

  2. 4. Income from Swagbucks and My Points: This one I am doing great! So far, I have earned $1375, leaving just another $450 to earn for the year to make this goal. I will make this easily. 


It's interesting to check in and see where I am at mid-year. It's easy to forget about yearlong goals, and how easy it is to get off track. This will help me re-focus and try to make at least some of those goals! 

2 Responses to “Mid Year 2021 Financial Goals Update”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    You already said what I was going to comment -- the rising food prices may not help you make your spending goal. Honestly, things are going up all over. Our garbage bill went up a buck a month and here in Illinois, gas went up a half cent -- for Inflation. Checking midyear on your goals is good idea so you can adjust things as you can. You are good with money!

  2. Wink Says:

    Thanks rob62521.

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