Home > Small Ways To Fight Inflation

Small Ways To Fight Inflation

June 5th, 2021 at 05:30 pm

None of these suggestions are new, but with food, gas, and other consumer prices on the rise I decided to refocus on some of these:

I have been trying out more of my regular grocery store, store brand foods. Some of these have been a pleasant surprise. I tried a jar of store brand pasta sauce (24 oz) that was on sale for $1. It was delicious!  I also tried the hearty vegetable soup (low sodium) 18.8 oz for $1.29. Also very good. There was a sale on certain canned food items for .50 a can. I tried the black beans, corn, diced potatoes, and baked beans. I liked the black beans and potatoes, but the baked beans and corn were not very good. I also now buy the store brand bread that sells for $2 a loaf if you buy 2. The multi-grain bread is really good. I had  been buying the Sara Lee bread but it is $2.99 a loaf at my store when it is on sale. So, while not huge money savers, it all adds up. I will be continuing to try other store brands as I need things. I know that Aldi has a lot of really good low priced items, but it's a bit of a drive to get there, and the fresh produce at that store has always been disappointing. 

I also decided to stop buying red meat. I didn't buy all that much anyway, usually just ground meat, but with prices rising I can do without it. I'm also no longer buying lunchmeat, again I didn't buy it a lot but yikes, in my last grocery circular the prices were really high.  

I took a closer look into my grocery store rewards card, app, etc. I have the store card that I swipe at the register and always save that way, but I discovered that I am eligible for the 10% off senior discount every Tuesday! I thought the eligible age was 65, but it turns out it is 60. I will be shopping on Tuesday from now on. I also finally downloaded the app which has a ton of digital coupons. I also have a better understanding of how the points system works and will be using those points more efficiently. All money savers!

I am eating more meatless meals, while still being sure to get enough protein, and not increasing my unhealthy carbs. I don't want to just start loading up on pasta and rice dishes so i've been looking for alternatives. I don't like meat substitute products, or tofu, so mostly veggie meals.

Because the price of gas is up, I'm no longer driving around to different grocery stores to save a little here and there. Unless I see a really incredible sale on something (like chicken, which I eat a lot of) I plan to do all of my grocery shopping at my one, very close store. They have good prices, the produce is really fresh, and they always seem to have decent sales. I'm also trying to run all my errands on the same day, if possible to save on gas usage.

These strategies are nothing new, but every little bit helps!

In other news, my sister and BIL will be arriving mid-month for a three week stay! I am sure my grocery spending will go up, even though they will certainly also pay for food. We have lots of activities planned so spending will be higher then usual, but I'm not stressing over it. The plan is to just have fun!

4 Responses to “Small Ways To Fight Inflation”

  1. Lots of ideas Says:

    I find eggs to be an excellent and affordable protein source - quiche, omelets, hard boiled in a salad as well as the traditional fried, scrambled, poached.

    I buy some food at CVS. WTH my Carepass membership ($48-60 per year) I get $10 per month to spend. I frequently get 30% off coupons (not good on sale items), and their sales run in cycles. When something like canned tuna (another cheap protein source) is on sale, I buy 4-5 cans. By the time I run out, there is usually a sale again. They also have digital coupons and a cash reward system.

    I buy the same 20-30 items every month and I find knowing and seeking out the best prices on those is well worth it. And when I want something special, I check prices on line to get an idea before I buy it.

    It takes time, but money you save is tax free!

  2. Wink Says:

    @Lots of Ideas: I am also a CVS Carepass member. I usually don't buy food there, but I am going to start. I have seen that tuna sale and plan to jump on it next time I see it.

  3. Wink Says:

    @late.start: Thanks for the suggestions, they are very helpful. I am really starting to use more beans and lentils and am enjoying finding new recipes for them. I may give the tofu one more try, there is just something about the texture that I don't like.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    These are all great ideas and the reminders are wonderful.

    We try to eat at least one meatless dinner a week, sometimes two. Like Lots of Ideas, we tend to use eggs for our protein for a couple of meals as well.

    Glad you are finding good ways to save. I agree, we will need to do that as inflation continues. Great post!

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