March has been a very spendy month (for me) so far. I purchased:
The treadmill I have been researching for a few months. I need to increase my exercise and I love walking. But the weather here just isn't consistent enough for me to be able to walk outside a lot. I don't tolerate heat very well so with summer coming I needed a solution. I looked on Facebook Marketplace but the few I found for sale were really old, very bulky and heavy, and just more then I needed. Plus I would have had to pay someone to deliver it to me. I wound up with a new one from Amazon with high reviews for a total price of $445.19. This includes tax and a $20 shipping fee. What I love about it is that it requires NO assembly, and isn't overly heavy. It folds down flat and can be stored under a bed if I want to store it out of sight. It is lightweight but very sturdy, has a powerful motor and a 1 year warranty. It is simple to use and I can't wait to receive it! I used my state tax refund ($516) to pay for it.
My AAA membership was due for the year, $75
I purchased refills of the makeup I use from Ulta $67.84. I don't wear a lot of makeup, mostly a light foundation and powder, a brow pencil and some tinted lip balm. This purchase will last me several months. I was running out of everything.
I finally had my hair cut and styled and gave a nice tip, $60.
And, I already went over my $200 monthly grocery shopping budget by $33.88. I broke the golden rule of not going to the store when I was hungry!
So, a grand total of $648.03 (not including the grocery overage). Other then somewhat blowing my grocery budget I am feeling good about my purchases (no buyers remorse). I waited to buy the treadmill until I had the money to pay for it, and the rest were just ordinary expenses that I cash flowed.
Have a great weekend!
March 29th, 2021 at 09:21 pm 1617049294