Home > September Spending/Saving

September Spending/Saving

September 30th, 2020 at 04:27 pm

Income Total: $1700.00

* $1500 Recurring monthly retirement account distribution
* $150 Swagbucks(cash out to PayPal)
* $50 My Points (cash out to PayPal)

Total Spending: $1513.85

Total Savings: $186.15 (difference between monthly income and monthly spending)

Fixed Expenses:
Verizon bundle (internet, cable, home phone): $160.25
Cell phone: $59.90
HVAC and water heater contract: $27.95
Condo Fee (includes water) $190.00
Health Care: (includes health, dental, vision, prescription plans) $450.90

Utilities: $83.70
Gasoline: 0
Groceries: $236.31 (I stocked up on meat, so spending was up a bit)
Health: $70.02 (co-pays, scripts refills, vitamins and personal health care items)
Take Out food: $36.70
Shopping (on-line): $198.12 (see note below)

* Condo is paid in full
* Car is paid in full (2017 Camry)
* No other debt

Shopping: I have a list of things that I need and started purchasing them.

Michelangelo 12-inch skillet with lid. I have been researching new pans, and Lucky Robin mentioned this one in her blog. I love it! Great quality. I plan to buy the 2 smaller size pans from this line in October.

Black out curtains for the guest bedroom. The bedrooms in the condo face the front of the building and have almost floor to ceiling windows. Great for letting in light during the day, but I face the parking lot and there are some lampposts that are pretty bright. I had white shears in there but with my sister and BIL potentially coming for Christmas I needed heavier ones for privacy. I don’t want blinds (too much to clean and expensive for such large windows). These curtains did the trick, true blackouts.

2 new nightshirts. Mine were really worn out

2 Christmas gifts (getting a head start on this)

Restock order from Walmart for some household items (free shipping).

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