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July 22nd, 2020 at 02:30 pm

Financial Update:
My car insurance company issued a refund for June for $15.19. This is a continuation of offering this discount that was given to all customers in April and May.

I rolled up $25 in pennies and cashed them in to my bank. They were happy to take them.

So far for July I cashed out from both Swagbucks and My Points for a total of $150. I use the cash payout to Paypal, then just transfer the cash to my bank.

I am on track to stay under budget for July.

Upcoming Purchases:
I will be purchasing a filtered pitcher of some sort (like Britta) so I can stop buying bottled water. I’ve been meaning to do this for some time. I will wait until August, so it comes out of that month's budget.

I am researching treadmills. I need to exercise more, and I prefer walking. I had an old one several years ago and I did consistently use it. The weather here has been so hot and humid that it is limiting my ability to walk outdoors, and it gets way too cold in the winter. When I retired my plan was to use the gym at the college (which I can use for free as a retiree benefit) but who knows when it will reopen. And it will just be nice to not have to go anywhere on bad weather days or when I am just too lazy to go out!

Prepping: (I am prepping for Fall just in case)
I have been building up all my paper supplies, vitamins, cleaners, hand sanitizer and any other household and personal care products that I use. I am in pretty good shape with these types of products overall.

I have also just begun to stock my pantry. I only stock up on food items that I usually eat. I have some rice, beans (I use these for chili) pasta, pasta sauce, canned soup and meats (tuna and chicken). I will wait until later in August to stock up on freezer food. I’m really cutting back on the amount of meat I eat. I buy just a few extra things every time I go to the grocery store.

Life: Things are going pretty well overall. I am staying busy with reading, puzzles, word games, sketching, cleaning and safely visiting with my brother and my best friend to socialize a little. I feel like I have fallen into a pretty good routine, which is good for me since I function much better overall with some structure to my days! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

4 Responses to “Updates”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Always good to slowly prep. I have been sick this week and have been able to simply go to the cupboard for my cold and flu meds, and has ready made chicken noodle soup in the freezer - has been so nice to have everything on hand!

  2. mumof2 Says:

    we do the same and since its winter here we have most of what we need especially since the pandemic hit...good luck in getting everything stocked and ready to go...

    get the treadmill its safer to use (no-one else touching it) and you will use it more as you won't have to go anywhere to use it

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Your everyday life sounds a lot like mine!

  4. rob62521 Says:

    I have an exercise bike that I use faithfully. So, hope you can find the treadmill. I just know if I had bought a gym membership, I would find an excuse not to go, even if the gym had not been closed due to Covid 19.

    Good plan to slowly stock up. We've done the same. I'm trying to catch things on sale when I can.

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