Home > August Spending

August Spending

September 1st, 2018 at 01:23 pm

Total Spending $1048.35

Here is a breakdown of August spending. My goal was to stay under $1000 for the month.

Fixed Expenses
Verizon Bundle: 153.91 (Internet, home phone, cable)
Monthly Condo Fee: 185.00
Cell Phone: 59.29
HVAC and water heater maintenance contract: 27.95
Pocket money: 20

Utilities: 97.36
Gasoline: 37.30
Groceries: 251.35
Health: 77.19 (scripts and co-pays)
Dining Out: 75.41
Other: 63.59

I attended 2 birthday parties this month and had some friends over for dinner, so my grocery spending is high. I took food to both of the parties.

My health category includes 90 day refills on 3 scripts.

The "Other" category includes shipping cost to send a package to my mom and a gift card for one of the birthdays.

This was a pretty good month for spending. I was just over my goal.

* Condo is paid in full
* Car is paid in full (2017 Camry)
* No other debt

4 Responses to “August Spending”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Good job!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Bravo! Glad you can get 90 days of prescriptions. I'm sure it is more reasonable that way.

  3. snafu Says:

    While you needn't post figures, many of us find it very informative to work out Net Worth figures at least quarterly. You do very well with your budget. Are you noticing inflation is taking folks over budget? Do you expect to increase the total spending figure or find small savings across several targets to hold to target? Do you still feel your land phone it's worth it's bundled cost? Do other internet and cable providers in your region offer better promotions? Your condo fees are terrific, we didn't have an increase this year so I'm anticipating an increase 2019. A new complex is underway in our community and their pre sale cost per square foot has my head spinning! I'm trying to figure out if we have appropriate insurance valuation.

  4. Harry Says:

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