Home > Property Taxes and Possible Move

Property Taxes and Possible Move

July 6th, 2018 at 06:13 pm

I received my yearly property tax bill of $3157.49. I save for this so I have the money ready in my account.

We had a wonderful 4th of July. My brother and I jointly hosted a party and had a great turn out with friends and relatives. Even though it was still pretty hot we still managed to play some yard games and cycle in and out of the house for some air conditioning when needed.

My brother and his wife have decided to move south to the Northern Myrtle Beach, South Carolina area within the next year or so. They are both retired, and have been mulling over moving to warmer climates and a place that is more financially friendly to retirees. After lots of traveling to various destinations, they decided this was the best fit for them. Their adult son will also be going. We had a very long talk and I'm seriously considering joining them in a few years after I retire. My brother and I are very close, and I would want to retire close to family. I would miss my friends very much, but they can always come and stay with me for long visits! It's very exciting to think about. I've been there a few times for vacations and have always loved the area as well. When we were breaking the news to everyone at the July 4th party, my cousin and his wife also expressed interest! It would be so fun for all of us to be together after we retire!

I have had this week off from work and have thoroughly enjoyed being off. My retirement countdown app says I have 1 year, 9 months, 25 days, 9 hours, 49 minutes and 5 seconds.... (not that I'm counting or anything)!

Not too much else to update. Time to head out to run a few errands. Have a good weekend everyone!

10 Responses to “Property Taxes and Possible Move”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Very pretty area to retire to! I don't know if I could retire in a touristy area.

  2. Wink Says:

    CCF: I think that is my biggest reservation, but there seem to be some pretty quiet, more residential areas available. It will take some investigating for sure!

  3. HouseHopeful Says:

    There is a lot of things you can do in touristy areas to avoid the 'tourist trap' areas. Best thing you can do is start joining local groups on fb to find out about traffic issues/patterns, etc over time. A friend of mine learned a lot when moving 3 states away by doing that!

  4. Wink Says:

    HouseHopeful: That is a great tip! I will do that. Thank you!

  5. rob62521 Says:

    The countdown is great! I counted the days my last year of teaching.

    I'm sure there are areas not touristy that are more residential. I will have to research because I assumed it would be expensive to live there as compared to other areas. Thanks for the heads up. I like learning new things.

  6. Sarra Losen Says:

    I have had this week off from work and have thoroughly enjoyed being off.

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  7. alice F taylor Says:

    Thanks for sharing the information. It is very useful for my future. keep sharing

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  8. djcluv Says:

    taxes are sometimes pain in the ass...but we can never improved our society if we don't contribute to it
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  9. hansara911 Says:

    I like to get up early to go out and breathe fresh air. I feel that it is good for health and a good habit
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  10. anastasia Says:

    I'm doing the tax calculation with a special person, and I'm curious to see if there will be any changes this year.

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