Home > April Spending

April Spending

May 3rd, 2018 at 05:55 pm

Total Spending $907.86

Here is a breakdown of April Spending. My goal was to stay under $1000 for the month.

Fixed Expenses:

Verizon Bundle: 172.71 (Internet, home phone, cable)
Monthly Condo Fee: 185.00
Cell Phone: $16.99
HVAC and water heater maintenance contract: 27.95
Pocket money: 20

Utilities: 95.98
Gasoline: 29.03
Groceries: 228.16
Health: 5.70 (scripts and co-pays)
Dining Out: 36.34
Tax prep and Financial review: $90.00

My cell phone bill reflects a credit I had due to an error on the purchase price of the new cell phone.

The $90 tax prep fee includes a yearly review that my friend (CPA) does for my retirement accounts. Money well spent.

My grocery bill is still too high. This continues to be a struggle for me so my goal for May is to stay below $200. Should be able to easily do this if I just plan and focus more. I just really dislike grocery shopping.

Overall April was a good month!

* Condo is paid in full
* Car is paid in full (2017 Camry)
* No other debt

2 Responses to “April Spending”

  1. Jenn Says:

    That's impressive!

  2. Amber Says:

    Awesome, I'm loving the no debt

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