Total Spending $4091.62
Here is a breakdown of March Spending. My goal was to stay under $1000 for the month. Way over!!!!
Fixed Expenses:
Verizon Bundle: 172.85 (Internet, home phone, cable)
Monthly Condo Fee: 185.00
Cell Phone: 0 (new phone contract starts in April)
HVAC and water heater maintenance contract: 27.95
Pocket money: 40
Utilities: 80.35
Gasoline: 66.83
Groceries: 279.37
Health: 74.78 (scripts and co-pays)
Dining Out: 114.93
Shoes: 63.59
One Time Expenses
Condo Insurance (full year) 458.00
New Cell Phone: 480.00
Water Pik: 63.57
Cell Phone Accessories 103.00
Taxes: 1807.00
AARP renewal (year) 74.00
Some notes: My grocery and eating out categories are very high due to buying groceries for my cousin and his wife, and getting take out while I was at their house after the car accident. I also had to fill up my gas tank twice due to traveling to their house. He has offered to reimburse me, but I'm not considering it. I'm worried about them financially, so I'm just counting it as caring for family. They would offer to do the same for me.
I splurged a bit on a nice case for the new phone, a screen protector, an extra charger, and having the store transfer my information from my old phone to the new one.
My dental hygienist recommended that I get the water pik, and I can already see and feel a difference. A good investment in oral health!
Taxes: Yikes! I'll be making some adjustments!
So, overall a very expensive month, but I had the $$ saved for the condo insurance and I was able to cash flow the taxes. I'm looking forward to a much less expensive April!
I had a wonderful Easter with family today. And I have this week off for spring break!
Have a great week everyone!
Some other notes:
*My condo is paid in full, no mortgage.
*My car is paid off, no car payment
*No Credit card debt
My Verizon Bundle includes a premium sports package.
Condo fee includes: water, trash removal, snow removal, all outside building maintenance, landscaping and a master insurance policy.
March Spending
April 2nd, 2018 at 12:39 am
April 2nd, 2018 at 02:40 am 1522633258
April 3rd, 2018 at 02:36 pm 1522762574
You may have gone over on your spending, but I think it is really nice what you are doing for your family. Suze Orman used to say, "People first, then money, then things..." Plus you won't be spending that much on a phone each month. At least I hope not! Hope you get lots of time with the new one!