Home > A very expensive March

A very expensive March

March 25th, 2018 at 06:48 pm

March has been very expensive. I owed more then expected on my taxes, I bought a new cellphone (mine finally died) and needed to purchase a waterpik (on the advice of my dental hygienist). I get very regular cleanings but still get a tartar build up in between.

My cousin and his wife were in a serious car accident. They will be ok, but he has a badly broken arm and neck and back strain, and his wife suffered 2 broken ribs and neck and back strain. They are back at home after a few days in the hospital, and I took off a few days work last week to help them. They live about 45 minutes away, so I just stayed over at their house instead of driving back and forth. I made sure they had groceries, prepared a lot of meals to freeze so they could easily just heat and eat, and got the house clean and laundry done. They are feeling a little better every day, and thankfully have some good friends and neighbors who are also assisting them.

I only work Monday and Tuesday next week, then I have 2 vacation days off and then spring break! So, 12 days off total! I'm looking forward to relaxing and also tackling my ever growing to do list.

I spent more money then usual this month on eating out and gas money when I was at my cousin's but I'm not worrying about it. Sometimes life happens and we get off track a little!

I did open the Chase (AARP) credit card to earn the $200 cash back after spending $500 in 3 months. This will help offset the cost of the new phone. I also cashed out of swagbucks for a $50 CVS gift card.

I'll post the final (ugly) numbers for March when the month closes out. I'll get back on track in April!

Have a great week everyone!

4 Responses to “A very expensive March”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    There are months like that when things seem to really need to be bought all at once.

  2. livingalmostlarge Says:

    glad your cousin is okay. Sounds like it could have been worse.

  3. Wink Says:

    Thank You LAL.

  4. scfr Says:

    How very nice that you were able to help your cousin and his wife. The extra expenses you incurred while caring for them definitely sounds like good "people first" priority spending.

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