Home > March Spending

March Spending

April 1st, 2017 at 11:08 pm

Fixed Expenses:
Condo Fee: 185.00
Verizon bundle: 173.52
Cell Phone: 65.28
HVAC and hot water heater maintenance: 27.95 (see note on this below, new monthly expense)
Pocket $: 20.00

Utilities: 87.94
Gasoline: 43.79
Groceries: 172.27
AAA yearly renewal: 74.00 (once a year expense)
Tax Prep and retirement review: 90.00 (once a year)
Dining out: 17.24

Total spending: 956.99

Some notes: I decided to purchase a monthly maintenance agreement that covers furnace, central air and hot water heater.
I also renewed my AAA membership. My car is a 2009, and I did use the roadside service last year when I needed a tow. I like the peace of mind for these two expenses.

I have a dear friend who is a CPA and financial planner. She prepares my taxes each year and twice a year reviews my retirement accounts. She would do this for free but I insist on paying her something. This year I got a tax refund of just under $1100 that I wasn't expecting because she was able to itemize. Worth every penny that I pay her.

Food: I also spent $22.32 at Walmart for food but used a swagbucks GC for this so did not include it in above total. I still feel like I am spending too much on food, even though it's down from previous months.

Have a great rest of your weekend!

4 Responses to “March Spending”

  1. snafu Says:

    I am regularly targeted for furnace and hot water tank 'maintenance' roadside service cost last year? In the past have you used or likely to use any of their other services? Do you use AAA Discounts for planning, accommodation, vehicle accessories, Insurance, lock-out, tire change, extradition for example? I'd appreciate learning if most/many SA readers use AAA service. My car is really old but runs well, good tires, battery, regular maintenance.

  2. Wink Says:

    Snafu: I have used AAA a few times over the past few years. Once my car broke down at night on a road with minimal lighting. It was a little scary. AAA got there within 15 minutes. Another time I had a dead battery and they promptly came and gave me a jump. I'm single, and don't always have someone available to help me. My car is well maintained, but you never know what might happen. I've used them for discounts on tickets for vacation attractions as well. The peace of mind alone, to me, is well worth the $6.16 a month!

  3. snafu Says:

    Thanks for the reply. Sorry the sentences contracted. I was trying to say, I'm regularly targeted for maintenance contract for hot water heater, furnace [no AC] so wonder the service details.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    I think your AAA membership is wise. Even if you weren't single, there are times when your significant other isn't available.

    We have Onstar and we have used it when we had a flat tire. I think the best thing was when we called the first question they asked was if we were in a safe place before they went any further. We use them for directions a lot so we feel it is worth the extra money.

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