Home > Took A Day Off

Took A Day Off

October 17th, 2014 at 08:03 pm

I took today off from work and used a personal day. I had so many errands to do and was once again facing a weekend full of obligations. So today I had my required car emissions test done, went to the bank, picked up some prescriptions for mom, did some much needed shoe shopping (found one pair I liked), looked for some new work clothes but was not successful, had my eye exam (but still need to look for frames) did the grocery shopping, and got my laundry done. Now I need a nap!
All of these expenses were budgeted for, but I did spend more on the shoes then I normally do ($69.00) I have moderate osteoarthritis in my back, hip and neck and I have found that wearing good shoes really makes a difference. The eye exam was covered through my insurance but I am dreading the cost of the glasses. Insurance covers a portion, but I need progressive, no line bifocals and usually get transitions so they darken up to sunglasses when outside. Really expensive. I still have some housework to do tomorrow but I think that on Sunday I might actually have a free day!

3 Responses to “Took A Day Off”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    $69 is a good price for shoes these days!

    I find I have to take time off once in a while to get errands done, too. I just don't have enough time on weekends to get everything done.

  2. Bluebird Says:

    @CB - me too! I took today off and got some things accomplished. Wink, I would need a nap if I did everything you did today!

  3. snafu Says:

    Mary Hunt [writes columns and 'Cheapskate' book series, tout using on-line optical services like Zenni.

    Terms needed to buy glasses from on-line sellers

    • OD (Oculus Dexter) means your right eye
    • OS (Oculus Sinister) means your left eye
    • The Sph or Spherical correction is how near (-) or far (+) sighted you are. If you have ‘PL’, that means you are at zero.
    • Add is for bifocals
    • Cylinder and Axis is for astigmatism, meaning that your eyeball is not perfectly spherical.

    2. Pupillary Distance

    Pupillary Distance (PD) is the distance between your pupils, usually measured in millimeters. Pupillary distance generally falls between 54 and 68 mm. Optometrists will usually take this measurement during your exam, but if they don’t, then you can measure the distance yourself with a mirror and a ruler. Most optometrists do not write this number on your prescription, because it gives you the ability to shop online. Ask them to write this number in, if they haven’t.

    3. Add-Ons

    Eyeglass retailers online suck you in with extremely low advertised prices (i.e. ‘Complete set of glasses for only $9!’, however the add-ons that really crank up the price – anti-reflective coating, anti-scratch, poly-carbonate lens, etc. The best thing to do is to figure out exactly what you want, and then find out what 3 or 4 different online retailers would sell for that exact same model, so that you are comparing apples to apples. For instance, if you know you want a memory titanium frame with a slight tint and anti-reflective coating then shop around for that exact same pair elsewhere. Some include the add-ons and others don’t, so go with the final price, not the advertised price that gets you in.

    4. Shopping for Glasses Online? You Need to Really Look Around for the Best Deal!
    When shopping for glasses, don’t worry about the brand. A pair that I purchased under a generic brand was much better than any of the designer comparables that I saw at the optometrist.

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