Home > Free Stuff From CVS

Free Stuff From CVS

July 13th, 2014 at 01:40 am

As I was organizing my grocery shopping list and coupons for today's shopping I noticed I had a $5 Extra Bucks coupon from CVS that was about to expire so I bought:

2 bottles of Herbal Essences shampoo at 2 for $6. I had 2, $1 off one coupons. I also had a coupon for a free herbal essences body wash when you purchase 2 shampoos or conditioners. I added in a .99 box of Puffs tissues. So for all these products that I regularly use I only paid .42 cents in sales tax. I love free stuff!

3 Responses to “Free Stuff From CVS”

  1. Amber Says:

    Way to go!


    Thanks for the comment about the ECB. I have $5 worth that expire on Tuesday. Don't really need anything BUT it is a free $5 and I can/will find something to use it on.

  3. NJDebbie Says:

    That's great!!!

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