Home > CVS shopping

CVS shopping

December 31st, 2012 at 12:26 am

I was runnung low on a lot of personal care items and I noticed that CVS was offering $10 extra bucks rewards for spending $30 on select items. I was happy to see some great sales on the product brands that I normally purchase. I checked all my coupons and found that I had a coupon for each item I wanted to buy, and I had a $4 off CVS coupon, so off I went. I purchased:

36 rolls of Charmin (double roll) TP
3 bottles of Herbal Essences shampoo
1 bottle of Pantene shampoo
1 bottle of Pantene conditioner
1 bottle of liquid Tide detergent
2 Secret gel deodorants
1 bottle of Dawn dishwashing liqid

I saved $14.50 using coupons and my total with tax was $31.88. I used a Visa gift card I received for Christmas to pay for it so no money out of my pocket!

And, I still have the $10 extra bucks to use on a future purchase, so I'll realize another $10 of free stuff.

The CVS is in a shopping center right up the street from my house. My grocery store and my bank are also in this same shopping center so I use very little gas to access the CVS and can combine my grocery shopping
in one trip! I am a happy shopper today!

4 Responses to “CVS shopping”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Very nice. I just moved to a town with a CVS, but haven't figured out how their deals work yet. Did you qualify for the $30 before coupons or after?

  2. Wink Says:

    ccf: I am just starting to use CVS and I asked the cashier that very question before she started to ring me up and she hesitated quite a bit before answering me. She said it was the total after coupons. But, my total after coupons and before tax was $29.48. So, I am still not 100% sure!

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Wow, what great shopping!

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    Thanks for letting me know your experience.

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