My sister and BIL are visiting from Texas for 3 weeks. They are staying with me and we are thoroughly enjoying our time! They are here until just after 4th of July. I was overjoyed when they told us they were going to relocate back to Maryland in just a couple of years. They need to sell some real estate and a business they own in Texas first.
I may have mentioned in a previous post that my sister and BIL are very, very wealthy. They have worked very hard, made smart investments, and have been active in real estate and other business ventures. They live modestly, in spite of thier wealth, and are committed to philanthropy and donating to causes and organizations that are important to them. They are just very down to earth, kind people. Much to my surprise they gifted my brother and I $20k each! This was completely unexpected and very generous of them. I will be putting this in savings, but have earmaked some for a family vacation in 2022.
My expenses for June will be up a bit, but this was expected. We have been enjoying dining out, cooking out, a girl's shopping day and more. It has been quite a visit so far!
June 26th, 2021 at 12:51 pm 1624708300
June 29th, 2021 at 04:14 pm 1624979699
Glad you had a great visit!